Be Team Safety Rep This Season, News (GT Capitals & Etobicoke Hockey League)

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Sep 19, 2020 | EHL | 1293 views
Be Team Safety Rep This Season
Each Organization and Team must assign a person who will be the Safety Rep responsible for ensuring that all updated and relevant information is passed on to everyone within their Organization or Team.  This person must be registered in the Hockey Canada Registry as an Off-Ice Volunteer.

Team Safety Rep responsibilities include:
• Walking through the details of the Game Plan and the COVID-19 guidelines of all the applicable local facilities guidelines before the season begins with Participants and parents/caregivers
• Communicating with Organization Safety Rep on guidelines and updates.
• Ensuring that the COVID-19 participant screening is conducted for each Participant before each training (on and off-ice) session, including individual skill sessions, team practices, and games, and that records are kept of this information. If multiple activities are being held during the same day, one health screening will suffice.
• Completing the health screening registry electronically or in-person.
• Completion of GTHL safety training.

All Team Safety Reps must also complete the Hockey Canada Planning a Safe Return to Hockey course. Click here to enroll and complete.
